What concerns me when the IDPs are not seen as a priority is that people will grow restless; and violence will come more easily to the neglected and frustrated...those in charge would be wise to refocus their energy on ensuring their citizens are cared for and reintegrated into more stable communities, if they truly want to bring peace to their nation.
Growing up in a community where violence was something we watched on T.V., it is impossible for me to imagine the struggles ahead for this tiny nation where generations have grown up knowing only ethnic violence. My thoughts and prayers remain with them (for more on the conflict and the plight of the IDPs, please check out the report at: http://www.internal-displacement.org/8025708F004BE3B1/(httpInfoFiles)/9D0639639598A4CEC12575A90034A2DE/$file/SriLanka_Overview_May09.pdf).
That being said...here are more images from our visit...

Yes, sometimes it just smells bad...no worries, the nationals do this too, so no one would have been offended :)

These two photos were taken near a wat, or Buddhist temple. The "trek" up to this spot took us all of five minutes from our hotel. Ha!

The look J. captured on my face WAS staged, but pretty much sums up how we were all feeling on our adventure to "Jungle Island," which was neither very jungle-y nor an island (well, other than being a part of Sri Lanka). Our rickety little boat; non-regulation (and very broken) life-jackets (that we had to ask to wear); and non-English-speaking guides were not very reassuring as we braved the rough, open seas...we have photos of us kissing the ground once we made it safely to our destination. I'm thinking never again, unless there are waivers and radios on board...:)

(It's a long story...)

Sri Lanka was heavily impacted by the Tsunami back in Dec '04.

Is this auto-rickshaw turned ice cream truck NOT the cutest thing ever?