Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Safe & Sound

For those who have heard of the attacks on foreigners in Mumbai, please be reassured that I am nowhere near that part of South Asia. Several friends are living/traveling in that general vicinity, however, so please keep them (as well as, all the hostages and families of those killed) in your thoughts and prayers.

I spoke with one expat in the city, and he let me know all our co-workers are fine, but that they are not able to leave their homes yet. This is purely precautionary. I will keep everyone posted whenever our power comes on (its been in and out all day due to the rains/wind where I am).

Read more at:

As for our office, we ALL (expats & nationals) have the day off, due to the weather. Our streets are flooded, making it difficult for anyone to come in, and with all the power failure (and occasional lack of running water) even working from home is a challenge. Man, its rough being forced to relax! Ha!

Do keep those without shelter or stone homes in your thoughts & prayers, as well. Its cold for the nationals right now, and many are living in conditions made wholly unsanitary during this season of rain and flood.

Happy Thanksgiving to all in the States...xoxo

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